How do you want to get

Strategic Fund Development

You’ve got the vision. But do you have the resources you need to take the next steps? Let help you build a custom fundraising plan. Services include fundraising systems, campaign development, and donor communications.

Strategic Planning and Vision Casting

Strategic planning is like building a bridge from where you are right now to where you want to be. Let explore the possibilities with you, ask grounding questions, and put together the tangible actions steps for your next season.

Impact Evaluation

You’ve got the vision, the resources and plan. Now, how do you know you’re making the impact you want to see? Let help you define the impact you’re working towards and the evidence you’re already seeing. Services include developing and organizational theory of change, program logic models, and evaluation criteria.

Leadership Development

You’re a busy busy leader lending a listening ear to your team and everyone you serve. But who listens to you? Let be your sounding board. Services include trouble shooting in real time, help setting team culture, debriefing difficult dynamics, and discussing whatever is on your heart and mind in the moment!

Professional Development

Invest in your team with the professional development series. With over 20 seminars to chose from, your team will be trained on each of the areas above. Or request a special session for your team with custom topics, facilitated brainstorming, or an deep dive into a topic of your choice.

Transformational Relationships:
Reframing Impact in Faith Based
Social Service Organizations

Here’s where it all started. Wondering how to use best practices in nonprofit management within the faith based sector. My research, presented as my Capstone thesis Transformational Relationships: Reframing Impact in Faith Based Social Service organizations weaves together themes from theology, social sciences, nonprofit administration, and real life praxis, imagining a new way to structure programs, measure impact , and communicate with donors.